Thursday, January 3, 2019

I Love It When Things Just Click

Sometimes things are more obvious than they may seem.

I recently got a new cell phone, a Motorola, after being pretty dedicated to Samsung for the past few years. I tried this one out because it had some features that were more superior to Samsung’s offering in the same price bracket, and for the most part I have been satisfied. However, like with most new cellphones, not all functions are created equally, so navigating the new layout has been challenging here and there, despite it still operating under Android, which I am familiar with.

One function in particular that I could not figure a way around was how to change the default application to open email attachments. Accidentally, I set it so the printer app for the printer I use at work would open all email attachments. This would not have been such a big deal if the darn app allowed me to preview these attachments before sending them to the printer; alas, it did not. So, I would try to view files sent to me via email, and not be able to view them unless I was on my desktop or laptop. Not too convenient for a working mom Realtor on the go who generally has to do most things one-handed.

I searched the settings, and could not for anything find the key. Yes, I should have just “Googled it”, right? Or called customer service. But, you see, it was the midst of the holiday season when this happened, and now we are nearing the end of a very unMerry Sickmas in my house, so doing anything beyond opening an email and attempting to view it has been futile.

But, then, this morning, while driving Fifi to the pediatrician no less, the lender for a closing I have next week called to gently remind me I still needed to review the closing disclosure before the buyer could sign off on it. I had tried to view it last night, you see, but that stupid, f*@$ing app….

After hanging up with her with the promise of me getting to that CD as soon as humanly possible, a light bulb went off. Just uninstall the damn printer app, dummy. So, that’s what I did. And then my email not-so-magically defaulted back to the original PDF viewer where I could actually SEE the attachments on it.

So simple. So many headaches could have been avoided.

The point I am trying to make here through all this babble about cursed technology and being too busy to do even the simplest tasks is, sometimes we make things harder than they need to be. Sometimes the answer really is right there for us find in plain view.

But, our minds get crowded with all the other things we need to remember and concern ourselves with. Simple tasks become impossible. We lose focus. That has been a theme of my past year, I think. Where is my focus? My family? My job? My house? Me? I have felt very scattered, and oh so unlike myself.

What was the simple answer? My mind is still too clouded to see. But, hopefully, that light will go off soon and I can finally get myself back on track for good.

In the meantime, I have resolved to surrender myself to my duty as a mother and caretaker; the trip to the pediatrician revealed a double ear infection for my poor little sweetie (who is currently napping). Today she is on the road to recovery, though, I will nurse her back to health and try not to let all the others worries cloud my judgment.

Sick little sweetie

Listen always to your heart…and in some cases, common sense helps, too.

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